Welcome to the RRPictureArchives.NET contributor site of Surly Knuckle.
My shots, mostly from around the Washington Metro area. Also have an album showing some of my model trains, and my collection of airhorns. I try and only upload stuff that may have alittle bit of a background story, and show pictures that are not "dime a dozen" shots.
What's especially true of the shots taken from the railroad, is that each picture has memories associated with it. Each trip is different; some are good, some are bad. But I want to share what I see with others, from vantage points that most do not enjoy. It's coming full circle for me, as I grew up watching trains at many of these locations near where I live, and now I'm seeing these same places from "the other side". But even if you're not from the same area I am, hopefully you will enjoy these pictures as much as I enjoy taking, and uploading them. Thanks!
You may browse my collection of pictures via the menu located on the left hand side of the page. I hope you enjoy the collection and thanks for stopping by!
Select one of the links from the menu on the left to begin browsing the collection. |